Brief welcoming

In the first day of Akirachix,everything went super smoothly.The welcoming was so warm
due to the love received from the alumni. They helped me sign in and carried my bags,this moved my heart
Later I was taken to my room which was amazingly perfect,everything was in place and in order.
I was later taken to the meeting but unfortunately I was late, though it was still continuing
I sat and initiated my mind to keeping time.The welcoming was amaizingly good, not forgetting the
delicious meal I had.

During the week

I was assigned to lovelace lab which was amaizingly nice, the students were friendly and jovial.
I was given my own laptop and started browsing getting to farmiliarize with the course i came to study
Life became amaizingly beautiful.I appreciate every single thing at this place.

The good in Akirachix
  1. The trainers are nice, they teach well.
  2. The food is delicious.
  3. The diversity is at top
  4. Supporting young women

The faults seen so far Akirachix is the best place to be for only the people who desire to succeed